Thursday, October 31, 2013

I posted these links on Diigo, but these talks are so inspiring, I wanted to make sure everyone had the opportunity to view and enjoy as much as I did.

creativity and success

 Different perspective on success...our mere existence qualifies as success according to Taika Waititi.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Google hangout

Stephanie Maxy hosted the portion of the hangout where I was present. She and I discussed our experiences with this MOOC. Stephanie made several attempts to invite participants. We digitally hungout until approximately 5:30. #cmc11

Friday, October 11, 2013

Visual Creativity

The video "All is not Lost" had SO MUCH creative visual-candy it was difficult to take in just a single viewing.

Week 5

Finally I understand the tie between Creativity and Multicultural Communication. The number of neurological circuits increase when we expose ourselves to unfamiliarity which results in greater creative potential.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013


I liked Blooms mind map with HOTS (higher order thinking skills) and LOTS, lower order thinking skills. Creativity was the listed the highest.


Web 2.0 Tool and Resource Guide 2013

Since my degree is in Media and Public Communication, obviously I support technology and most of what it implies. However, there are some tools, apps, and sites that support an internet naysayers perspective. For example: 
2ND LIFE(SL) an Internetbased virtual world. Residents(Avatars) can have virtual sex. Is this necessary for transliteracy and creativity?


Web 2.0 tools

I wish to one day write a self-help, health and fitness, holistic, autobiography on how water aerobics can relieve many ailments. Does anyone have feedback on these Web 2.0 tools?

revival of Bebo

Personally, I am looking forward to an alternative to Facebook. I did not have a Bebo account before it was sold and ultimately shut down. Did you have a Bebo account?


Tuesday, October 1, 2013

The affect of digital media on attention span #cmc11

The video entitled Big Thinkers: Howard Gardner on Digital Youth raised an interesting question. The question of interest to me is; Does digital media have a negative impact on kids' attention span?
If one simply looks around, the answer seems rather obvious, it is simply a matter of acknowledging the unfavorable effect.
It seems digital-children can no longer pay attention to anything that is not entertaining or stimulating. Not just teens, but relationships between family and friends are affected negatively. Notice digital participants choose not to interact with present company apparently because there is something more interesting elsewhere. #cmc11