Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Final Reflection #cmc11

Final Reflection #CMC11

My Creativity and Multicultural Communication experience was dynamic especially in comparison to traditional learning and more vigorous than even online courses. Exploring how cultural learning enhances our creativity was intriguing and at the same time discovering that creativity lies dormant in everyone was quite inspiring. 

The abstract format of this Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) was at first disconcerting and uncomfortable until I freed my mind of previously established constraints. The instructor Carol Yeager knew the best way to learn in this environment is to struggle while we searched for a customized path. As a MOOC student, I was forced to think critically in planning my own goals for learning on this meandering and enlightening journey. To share in part my enthusiasm for this MOOC, I created my first PowerPoint and uploaded to YouTube for viewing. This presentation can be found at

During a recent discussion with Carol, she shared her thoughts on instructor feedback describing the students’ strengths and weaknesses as opposed to simply assigning grades. This conversation made me realize in order to progress we need to recognize both strengths and weaknesses.  I decided to self-critique and address a strength as well as a weakness that throughout this class came to the forefront.
STRENGTH-Since my youth I have been aware of my creative tendency, end of story. However, in the past thirteen weeks I was exposed to inspiring material that made me realize it does not need to stop there. As a result, I now intend resumption of an abandoned project previously thought unrealistic; following through with writing a book started six years ago.
WEAKNESSES-Albeit many, one weakness in particular throughout the years has contributed a considerable amount of self-imposed frustration. Because of the free-style format of a MOOC, I was allowed to discover I dabble a little in many things. Once I scratch the surface enough to satisfy my curiosity, I move on to the next interest never giving extensive thought to any one area.

This behavior that theoretically maintained a well-rounded [shallow] perspective continued until I viewed a video link supplied in the list of weekly assignments. The guest speaker featured in this video gave advice on how to lead a less complicated life; do a few things well and do not exhaust yourself trying to be “well-rounded”.  I liked the thought that well-rounded is overrated, so I did simplify and I DO feel more fulfilled. This simplified lifestyle has freed my mind of clutter allowing creativity to once again surface. I could not have chosen a better class for the culmination of my academic career with Empire State College.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

American education system

Latest news on U.S. education and the product; Globally, our students rank 31st in math, 24th in science, 21st in reading. Is this a concern? What do you think is the solution? #cmc11

Monday, December 2, 2013

Problem or Challenge

In response to the question "do you approach difficulties as problems or challenges?" I would have to say that it depends on the difficulty. We could practice seeing all difficulties as a challenge, but that is somewhat unrealistic to human nature. 
For me, when the difficulty can be resolved by spending my time and expending my effort, it is always solvable, therefore a challenge. When a difficulty requires from others a cooperation that is not forthcoming, unfortunately in my mind it then becomes a problem. Of course one could then assume responsibility for promoting cooperation as the challenge.
Every difficulty can not be approached as a challenge lest determination override common sense. If we disallow "problems", our competitive conditioning prevents us from recognizing when an issue really IS problematic, not merely a challenge to conquer.@cmc11

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Tweets, and MOOCs, Oh My!

Tweet-night Wednesday night had a few surprises trying to track tweets, but eventually it came together. When not actively consumed with assignment I spend downtime thinking about the MOOC environment. I excitedly share my experience with my children but they are doubtful about having enough initiative and self-discipline to succeed. #cmc11

Monday, November 11, 2013


Listening to the week 10 blackboard collaborate recording, I have to give credit to the youth who have the motivation to participate in a MOOC. I have read blogs and personally know students who do not have the motivation to successfully complete just an online course with a syllabus, forget consideration of the open style, free-form MOOC. Storytelling would be an interesting challenge just for experimentation or to get a foothold for something more permanent. #cmc11

Friday, November 1, 2013

Immersive activity week 8

Week 8 immersive activity was interesting. I was previously aware of the presence of these bias in myself and others. However, I was unaware these bias had syndrome-like names. I already have a heightened sense of my weaknesses, but the bias list added a new dimension to these characteristics.
Zero-risk bias for example can be a desirable trait, or undesirable, depending on the circumstances.

practicing stress-free productivity is an art

 Good advice, helpful pointers for increased productivity and creativity.

Thursday, October 31, 2013

I posted these links on Diigo, but these talks are so inspiring, I wanted to make sure everyone had the opportunity to view and enjoy as much as I did.

creativity and success

 Different perspective on success...our mere existence qualifies as success according to Taika Waititi.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Google hangout

Stephanie Maxy hosted the portion of the hangout where I was present. She and I discussed our experiences with this MOOC. Stephanie made several attempts to invite participants. We digitally hungout until approximately 5:30. #cmc11

Friday, October 11, 2013

Visual Creativity

The video "All is not Lost" had SO MUCH creative visual-candy it was difficult to take in just a single viewing.

Week 5

Finally I understand the tie between Creativity and Multicultural Communication. The number of neurological circuits increase when we expose ourselves to unfamiliarity which results in greater creative potential.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013


I liked Blooms mind map with HOTS (higher order thinking skills) and LOTS, lower order thinking skills. Creativity was the listed the highest.


Web 2.0 Tool and Resource Guide 2013

Since my degree is in Media and Public Communication, obviously I support technology and most of what it implies. However, there are some tools, apps, and sites that support an internet naysayers perspective. For example: 
2ND LIFE(SL) an Internetbased virtual world. Residents(Avatars) can have virtual sex. Is this necessary for transliteracy and creativity?


Web 2.0 tools

I wish to one day write a self-help, health and fitness, holistic, autobiography on how water aerobics can relieve many ailments. Does anyone have feedback on these Web 2.0 tools?

revival of Bebo

Personally, I am looking forward to an alternative to Facebook. I did not have a Bebo account before it was sold and ultimately shut down. Did you have a Bebo account?


Tuesday, October 1, 2013

The affect of digital media on attention span #cmc11

The video entitled Big Thinkers: Howard Gardner on Digital Youth raised an interesting question. The question of interest to me is; Does digital media have a negative impact on kids' attention span?
If one simply looks around, the answer seems rather obvious, it is simply a matter of acknowledging the unfavorable effect.
It seems digital-children can no longer pay attention to anything that is not entertaining or stimulating. Not just teens, but relationships between family and friends are affected negatively. Notice digital participants choose not to interact with present company apparently because there is something more interesting elsewhere. #cmc11

Monday, September 23, 2013

learning revolution

I really enjoyed Sir Ken Robinson's presentation which should be mandatory viewing for parents of high schoolers. People of my generation were trained to live linear so viewing such an inspiring speech encourages me to celebrate my teenagers career choices.


Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Connectivism-Siemens interview-#CMC11 week 2

I enjoyed George Siemens interview about connectivism. I particularly liked his analogy of connectivism to the unpredictability of the weather. Siemen states that connectivism is as complex as a weather system. The elements present are merely noted, how they react to each other is unpredictable.

The accuracy of Siemens theory that increasing connectivism decreases loneliness is debatable. We may have more connections, but are the relationships increasingly shallow? News articles report study results that social media promotes a lonely and depressed state of mind.

On a lighter note; the close caption for this video was humorously inaccurate!

Saturday, September 7, 2013

internet usage slowly promotes democracy over decades-#CMC11 week 1

In the RSA Animate video, Evgeny Morozov states that foreign governments do not wish to suppress internet usage but rather encourage the citizens to monitor cyber-published material. Not so long ago, those governments did attempt to prevent exposure of its citizens to the Internet. Prevention was impossible, and NOW that the Web is unleashed, the government continues to exercise control by insisting on citizen censorship and shutting down sites with opinions that do not agree with the government. #CMC11